Thursday, February 4, 2010


School has started off with a bang! They aren't cutting us any slack for it being the first day back. I have 150 pages to read in one book and plenty of math homework, too. I'm starting to freak out a little about it!! I need to just calm down and take it one step at a time.

I think tomorrow I will head to the coffee shop and sit there and study for a few hours! It's quiet there and hopefully the aromas of the coffee and espresso will keep me alert.

Things are fairly peaceful other than that. Addalynn is showing off those terrible 2's. Today she's throwing a major fit. She's been crying and pouting and all for about 2 hours just because Adam took away her glitter stuff she got for Christmas. She was trying to eat it! She's been mad ever since.

Kody is still my sweetie, but he is even pressing his luck. He in the biting stage. We're going to stop that before it becomes a habit!

That's really it for today. It's gloomy and rainy. It's supposed to be that way tomorrow, too. I did add a new dress to the shop. Check it out if you don't mind.

See ya!



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